
DISA AT Crash Course

About SG Academy

We are a transformative education platform of digital age focusing on holistic learning of students while making them industry ready.

SG Academy was founded on the core vision of creating qualified competent finance professionals with holistic skillset ranging from domain knowldge of startup sector as well as communication & presentation skills. Our objective is to build industry ready skills sets in our students so they can be absorbed in job force quite easily. We are team of extremely motivated & ambitious professionals who strive to impart valuable industry required knowledge & skill set to the students. 

Current Industry trend has indicated that india  has dearth of qualified Industry ready finance professionals who can  help businesses navigate through the real world challenges with holistic knowledge. 

We at SG Academy have allocated all our focus & resources to educate & create new ranks of finance professionals  who will be indispensable for businesses & become backbone of the economy.  

Get In Touch

1300A, 19, HUDA Complex,